Why Don’t You Do Things with Your Kids?
As moms we tend to get busy with the day-to-day stuff and let a lot go by the wayside. We’ll say, “Next time.” “When I get around to it.” and “Just as soon as…” But, why don’t we do things with our kids now? Why do we make it wait? When will we actually have time to spend with our kids to do the things we really want to do?
I was recently talking with several other moms, after our Bible study group met, about some things we just wish we could get to, but life slows us down. You know, things like play outside with our kids more, interact with our kids in nature, play games as a family more often, plan a game night with other families, bake more than the annual Christmas cookies, try new recipes for dinner.
The list goes on, right?
And time slips away.
I do it too! I continue to put it off.
But as I heard other moms say these same things, I kept wanting to ask, “But why don’t you?” “What’s stopping you?” I felt an urgency to get them to change!
I felt so sad for them that they were missing out on some really fun times with their family! One mom said, “I’m not a nature person. I like to be indoors. I want to do things outside with my kids. I just don’t.”
I genuinely felt sad for her. But I reflected on this topic on my drive home and realized I do the same thing. So where’s my own urgency to get myself to change!?
I don’t mind being outside, but sending the kids out on their own while I can wash the dishes in peace and quiet is a beautiful thing! A board game entertaining all four of my girls while I go take a shower is wonderful!
They’re not begging for my attention because they have their sisters to help entertain them! This is good stuff right?! Yay for Mommy time! (What is Mommy time, anyway? Checking social media accounts? Peace and quiet? I’ll have plenty of time to do that when my kids are out of the house in a few short years.)
As I reflected on this conversation, I thought, “Wow, have I missed out!”
It gave me new urgency!
Dishes can wait!
I can shower after the kids go to bed!
My social media can be updated later!
Imagine the joy in my girls when I put on all my snow gear and join them outside! Or when we bake a new fancy type of cake together to enjoy after dinner! Or just for fun, put an old fancy prom dress on and see what they say! (Actually happened and it was so much fun!)
It opens so many possibilities for our kids when we interact with them! They’ll learn a whole knew aspect of what being a parent means! Of what being a part of a family means! They may grow up to be parents one day and this is the new example you can set for them! Our kids have the potential to have fun parents and to become fun parents themselves one day!
So, why don’t you?!?
What’s stopping you!?
You have a list of things you’ve been wanting to do. I know you do! Get started! What’s number one on your list?
Listen, our kids are only young for a short time! Do stuff with them! (I bet they’ll be more willing to help with the dishes once you’ve spent some quality time with them!)
Try it!
Enjoy your kids!
Be the mom you’ve always wanted to be! Create epic stories for them to tell about their time with you!
Leave a comment about what’s on your list and then let me know how it goes!