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Welcome to my Blog!


I’m glad you found me! I pray you’ll enjoy a cup of coffee, tea or sip some hot water and lemon with me… Whatever you’re drinking, please stay a while!!

In our time together I pray I can provide you with some encouragement, be a shoulder to cry on, show you a smile and be your biggest cheerleader.

We’re all going through our own stuff.

Our own mess.

We hurt.

We search for encouragement and compliments and sometimes we just need a smile!

A smile shared is a day gained! A smile just keeps us going sometimes, doesn’t it? Consider my blog to be a smile in your inbox. I’m here for you.

To lean on.

To cry with.

But also to celebrate your joys and blessings!

Let’s laugh too!

Here we’re going to share the stresses of life. We’re going to see that we’re not alone in our messes! Together we can share smiles and make the Stressings of life turn into Blessings for life!

Join me in this walk through life.

Hold my hand and let’s do this together!

Let’s find the Blessings thru the Stressings!



I've been a part-time working stay-at-home-mom for 12 years. So when I think about my youngest starting kindergarten next fall, I start to wonder what is next in my life. I want my next phase in life to be productive. It must be for the Lord. He has given me so much grace and I feel He is calling me to write and share with you just how great and wonderful my Lord is so you can see that He is your Lord too.

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