Bible Verse,  Celebrate the Blessings,  For Moms,  For Teens,  When You're Stressing

It’s a New Decade!

So, what’s new!?
It’s 2020!
A new year!
It’s a new decade!
New goals!

New You!

2 Corinthians 5:17
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come. The old has gone, the new is here!

It’s a new decade! How does that change your thinking? Do you feel different going into a new year? Is it good that the last decade is over? What do you have to look forward to?

See, sweet friends, there’s a lot of hype on the new year. There’s a lot of pressure to feel the moment, to set new goals, to celebrate with a kiss at midnight. To make all the traditions happen just right before ringing in the new year! And this is a big one because it’s a new decade!

Isn’t that stressful?!

It’s a new decade we’re stepping into! Do you feel the extra pressure to be on top of your game? I feel like we put pressures on ourselves to do everything just right to make the world realize that this is a new year, a new decade, a new me!

Consider this:

Isn’t it just another day? Another day to keep going? Another day to show up.? Another day to share love with all the people around you?

So, What’s new!?

It’s always good to evaluate ourselves. Now is just the time society says we should do so. Shouldn’t we evaluate ourselves each day regardless of the time of year? Shouldn’t we strive to become better each day! Are you showing your best love to all around you? Are you showing up for your family and close friends? Could you show up a bit more, to go the extra mile every day? Not just because it’s the new year, but because it’s another day?

I don’t want you to feel the immense pressures that society puts on you because of the time of year. I want you to be you. I want you to be your best you, every day. Set out to make some goals for yourself that regulates your abilities and ambitions for every day life. We all feel these struggles of keeping up at some point in our lives. But sweet friends, don’t put so much pressure on yourself just because it’s a new decade!

I want you to know that you are not alone. Jesus is your best friend and you can lean on Him. God, your Father in Heaven, will give you the strength you need to keep going in this new year. Call on Him and He will help you! When He’s with you, you don’t need to depend on yourself to get through the hard stuff. He’ll guide you to being the best you. Each day. Not just in the new year. Not just for this new decade. But, always.

Be well my friends. May you be blessed in this new year. May this be your best decade yet! Blessings!

“The old has gone, the new is here.”

I've been a part-time working stay-at-home-mom for 12 years. So when I think about my youngest starting kindergarten next fall, I start to wonder what is next in my life. I want my next phase in life to be productive. It must be for the Lord. He has given me so much grace and I feel He is calling me to write and share with you just how great and wonderful my Lord is so you can see that He is your Lord too.

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