Bible Verse,  For Moms,  When You're Stressing

I Saw You Yesterday

Dear neighbor, I saw you yesterday although I never saw your face. I saw the pain you felt when you decided to make a call to protect yourself and your kids.

I saw you yesterday when the cops showed up at your door. I saw you when the handcuffs were put on someone you love. I watched him get put into a squad car.

I saw you. I felt your pain. I knew your disappointment. Your grief. I saw the tears run down your kids’ cheeks. I saw your head hang low. I saw you cry into your pillow. I saw you shout through your pain after your kids went to sleep.

I saw you yesterday because I’ve been through it too. I know that pain. I know that disappointment. I know that grief. When I saw it happen at your house, I relived the moments I’ve been through.

I wanted so badly to run to you and hold you and shelter your kids with you. I wanted to be there to help you and support you. My heart broke for you. Sweet neighbor of mine, now raising your children on your own, I see you. I know your grief.

I saw you yesterday. I saw all the thoughts running through your head. I saw your need to jump into survival mode. To care for three children and homeschool each one of them on your own. All while still working. Now having to create new schedules and hope to get help from friends and family.

The Blessing of Our Savior

Through it all, new life emerges! A new way of mothering. A new way of being a family. Rise to the occasion, sweet friend. You don’t have to do this alone. Please don’t do this alone. I’m right here for you. Someone who’s gone through similar situations, I know what it’s like to have someone you love hauled away in a squad car. I’m here to support you and help with your children.

But best of all, your Savior, Jesus saw you yesterday. He knows you. He knows your pain more than anyone else in this world. He understands your grief and He alone will give you the strength you need to get through this difficult time. He is with you. I hope you feel Him.

I pray you feel His presence.

Please take comfort in a section of scripture I found to share with you today. Isaiah 41:10 and 13 says “Do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. For I am the LORD, your God, who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you.”

God sees you! He knows you. He feels your pain and he is here to help you. He Himself offers to take your hand. To help you through troubled times!

Of course you’re scared! Of course you’re uneasy about your new normal and your new life in this tragic situation. Now you have to bring your kids through it too! But Please find comfort in these words. God is your strength!

I’ve been there before. I know the emptiness. I know that you feel alone and helpless. But I want to share this with you today so you can gain peace in your heart knowing that you have help. You have people who understand and above all, you have GOD! Please trust that He is with you!

He’s holding your hand.

He gives you strength.

Go about your days in peace, sweet friend. Know that you’re not alone in this.

‘”I myself will help you,” declares the LORD.’ Isaiah 41:14

I've been a part-time working stay-at-home-mom for 12 years. So when I think about my youngest starting kindergarten next fall, I start to wonder what is next in my life. I want my next phase in life to be productive. It must be for the Lord. He has given me so much grace and I feel He is calling me to write and share with you just how great and wonderful my Lord is so you can see that He is your Lord too.


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